Monday, May 2, 2016

Digital Dashboard

After pricing a set of replacement Porsche Gauges at well over $1k, I decided it was time to build a digital dashboard. I had a Raspberry PI sitting around and ordered a 7 Inch hdmi display. The Solition1 controller broadcasts its data over the Ethernet cable using UDP, and they provide an example data logging application in c. After a brief search of the Internet I settled on Qt for the GUI since it would give the greatest flexibility, with qml for the graphics and c++ backed. Now to lean Qt and for a refresher in c++. I'll try to maintain the code on Github in case anyone is interested, but its most likely messy and broken at any given point.

Raspberry Pi and HDMI Display
Modified Qt 5.6 Quick dashboard demo

1 comment:

  1. can you help me ?
    I need include background in these dashboard
