Sunday, May 22, 2022

Openinverter on the Volt/Ampera inverter


To make the temperature sensor in the IGBT module work on Damien's Board Remove R94, and jump a 10K resistor to 5V, the right side of R20 is a convenient spot to pull the power. Now I measure 18C in my basement. as opposed to 100C

I had trouble with brownouts on the 5V, so i dropped in an extra regulator that i had on the bench.

Monday, May 9, 2022

sdu teardown

Trying to troubleshoot two failed leads of the inverter due to software upgrade under voltage.

after removing the bolts it's is just being held by the power inlets. I think removing the purple rings should release the pins. But I can't get them to pop out....

4/3 update
The lock rings came out and the power stage was successfully removed